Policies and Procedures
Kitchen Appliances
Parcel Lockers
Building and Fire Safety
Support Services
Advice and Counselling
Meet the Team
Named Maintenance Days
Your hall of residence has a named maintenance day
Connecting to WiFi when you arrive
📡 📡 📡
Smoking and vaping on campus
Important Information
International students: What to bring to uni
Soon you will be making the big move from home to Queen Mary
Queen Mary Food pre-paid meal packages
Online Sales are Now Closed - visit The Curve for Queries
How to meet new people at university
Trials, tribulations and tips from students just like you
Howden for students - your contents insurance
The new name for My Endsleigh
Transport for London (TFL)
Get around the city with TFL ease
A summary of key policies and procedures for those in halls
Receiving post to halls?
Here's all the information you need to know
Going out tonight?
Have a good time you can actually remember the next day
The Story of Queenie
Her Royal Highness that graces our campus
My favourite spots on campus
Courtesy of RA Alessandra
What to expect from UK Life
It's not all tea and crumpets!
Making the most of your time in halls
Tap into the best advice, directly from students
Arriving in the UK
The countdown is on...
What to expect from London Life
Your guide to this magical city
Day in the Life of a Uni Student
Follow Diksha on a day in the life!
What I wish I'd known before coming to uni
Top tips from our Residential Assistants!
Contact Us
Where you need to go and who you need to contact
How to contact Security at Queen Mary
Contact details
Secure Bicycle Storage on campus
Do you cycle to campus?
Residences Parcel Lockers at Mile End
Signed, sealed, delivered
Safe spaces you can use
Available to everyone on campus
Where can I find support?
There's always support available at Queen Mary
How to handle culture shock
And settle into life in the UK
Who to contact in an emergency
Save these numbers to your phone in case you need them
What's included in my bedroom?
Soon you'll be moving into Queen Mary halls and unpacking
What's included in my kitchen?
This is where you'll be cooking & socialising with flatmates
Keeping your bathroom and kitchen clean
Your cleaning agreement in halls
Residential Services Online Shop
Our online shop has all the student essentials you need
A Guide to Residential Life
What we can do for you!
How do I get my Residents' Rewards Card?
You have access to exclusive exciting offers and discounts
Laundry at Queen Mary
The only guide you need
Eniola's what to pack
A list of everything you'll need
Have you had your meningitis vaccine?
All university students should make sure they are up to date
Walking routes to Queen Mary Halls
Finding your way around can take some time
Our halls guest policy
What you need to know about visitors and overnight guests
How to use your kitchen appliances
We've put together some really simple video instructions
Your guide to Sherren House
A student guide for the nearby area
Walking Route: Barbican to Dawson Hall
The best route to take!
Walking Route: Mile End to Residences Reception
Walking Route: Stepney Green to Sherren House
Walking Route: Stratford to Aspire Point
Walking Route: Whitechapel to Floyer House
Walking Route Stepney Green to ResidencesReception
Walking Route: Bethnal Green Station to Blithehale
Your guide to Dawson Hall
Your guide to Floyer House
A student guide to the nearby area
Your guide to Aspire Point