Posted 6 months ago
Wed 28 Aug, 2024 10:08 AM
Some of you may have already had the pleasure of meeting our resident campus cat Queenie, who lives in the Residences Reception at France House.
She’s a friendly grey and white cat who is a celebrated member of the Queen Mary Residential Services team.
In August 2021, Queenie was spotted around the University campus scavenging for food from the bins. After several weeks of this, she gained enough confidence to come into the Residences Reception, where staff fed her some proper cat food. She continued to visit us for her meals and shortly after she decided to make Queen Mary her permanent home.
Since Queenie arrived, she has quickly become popular with staff and students, many of whom take time to stop off at Residences Reception to give her strokes and hugs. Although she may be tempted to visit residents in their flats, we always remind Queenie of the Residents' Handbook policy that states, that pets are not permitted in any of our accommodation buildings!
For those of you that really love Queenie, you can purchase your very own Queenie souvenir from the Residences Reception.
Current Items available are:
- Postcards of Queenie 4 for £1.00
- Keyrings £3.50 each or 2 for £5.00
- Jigsaws £7.50
Proceeds help us to continue to look after Queenie.
Students are welcome to come and visit Queenie for cuddles and to celebrate her being a part of the Queen Mary family!
When visiting, please follow Queenie's rules:
- Please do not feed me
I'm fed regularly by the staff at the Residences Reception. If you'd like to give me a treat, please ask a member of the team. - Please do not pick me up
I can sometimes get a little overwhelmed and don't particularly enjoy being picked up. I'll happily take your strokes from where I'm sat though! - Please do not take me inside buildings
My home is in the Residences Reception. For my safety, please do not tempt me into, or take me into any other buildings on campus.
Follow my escapades on social media and keep up-to-date on all things Queenie by following the official Residential Life Instagram @qmreslife