Find A Flatmate
13 Mar 2025
4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Grad Cafe, Mile End Campus
A house is not a home until there’s someone sharing the rent
House hunting for second year can be overwhelming. While there are plenty of resources to help you figure out where to live (this article, for one!), things get much more difficult if you haven’t figured out who to live with.
Luckily, there’s no need to panic. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking for an extra person to join a pre-existing group, our Find a Flatmate event is the perfect place to meet new people in the same boat as you.
When? Thursday 13th March, 4:00-6:00pm
Where? Graduate Centre Foyer
Nervous about living with people you’ve only just met? Check out our resources on bonding and getting along with your flatmates!