Advice on staying safe around London

Posted 1 year ago

We want to keep you safe whilst here at Queen Mary

Living in a big city like London comes with so many opportunities and places to explore, with that in mind it is important to be aware and keep yourself safe whilst exploring your new home.

We've got some simple tips to keep you safe;

Keep your phone safe

When you're walking around London be aware to keep your mobile phone safe. Don't walk and text and if you do need to go on your phone make sure to look around you to ensure no one is going to come up and snatch it out of your hands. Read this article from the Met Police about phone safety.

Safe travel

Public transport is amazing and can get you anywhere you want to go, but be aware that pickpocketers love busy travelling crowds. Make sure your backpack or bag is zipped up and in front of you, don't make it easy for someone to easily get away with your laptop, as well as this don't put your wallet or phone in your back pocket either - it's too easy.

During your time in London, there will be times when you need to use a taxi service, the most important thing is to make sure it is a licensed taxi - check out this article on how to recognise them. There are a few simple rules;

  • The only type of taxi that is allowed to pick you up if you haven't pre-booked is a black cab.
  • If you don't get a black cab you must pre-book a taxi via an app or calling the taxi company directly.
  • If you are offered a lift from a stranger waiting outside a bar, always decline.
  • Never fall asleep on your way home whether that's in a taxi, on the bus or on the tube.

Night outs

When you go out in London we want you to have the best time but there are a few things to keep in mind...

  • Stay in a group, don't wander off on your own and stick with your friends, you have safety in numbers.
  • Have plenty of charge on your phone and make sure you have the numbers of everyone you are out with so that you can keep in touch if you do happen to lose them in the club you can be reunited quickly!
  • Don't accept drinks from strangers, we've all heard stories of drink spiking and they are a lot more common than you think, so keep an eye on your drink at all times.
  • Drink in moderation, it can be exciting going out with friends but you don't want to get to the stage of not knowing where you are (that's no fun) plus, it'll hopefully save yourself from the dreaded hangover the next day.

Street safe

No matter what time of day or night it is, always stick to busier and well-lit places, if you can help it don't walk anywhere alone, always go with someone else. If you use a cash machine (ATM) to withdraw money, always make sure it is in a well-lit busy area and don't get distracted with anything whilst you are getting money out.

If someone tries to snatch something from you don’t risk being injured – give it up. Your physical safety is much more important!

a long bridge over a body of water

For more information on keeping safe around campus, check out our article and remember to make sure you know how to contact security.