A Birthday gift for our residents!

Posted 1 year ago

Is your birthday coming up?

Are you or a friend celebrating a birthday soon? Email us at residentiallfe@qmul.ac.uk to collect a free birthday gift on behalf of Residential Services! Note that you (or your friend) need to be a resident of Queen Mary halls.

Collection must be in the month of your birthday, or in May if your birthday is in summer.

How to collect?

Email us with your name, birthday, and your hall + flat. If you’re picking up a gift for a friend, include both yours and your friend’s details. We’ll send you a confirmation email and agree on a collection window. When you pick up your gift, please remember to bring your Resident’s Rewards Card and student ID.

Where to collect?

For anyone living on the Mile End campus or perimeter, collection will be from Residences Reception. For other halls, including Floyer, Dawson, Aspire Point, Sherren House, Blithehale Court, or One Pool Street, we’ll agree a collection point via email.

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