Posted 4 months ago
Mon 28 Oct, 2024 12:10 PM
It's always important that you feel able to provide us with feedback about your hall, Residential Life, or any other aspect of living in one of our Queen Mary Halls, and to alert us to something falling under Building Safety as one of your responsibilities as a resident in halls under the Resident Engagement Strategy.
To enable you to talk to us, we have various opportunities throughout the year where you can provide us with your thoughts, as well as a dedicated year-round email address:
How can I give feedback to Residential Services?
- In-person: we have a 24/7 Residences Reception at the Mile End campus, as do Aspire Point, Blithehale Court and Sherren House.
- Residential Feedback email: you can use this to provide feedback throughout the year, and for any Building Safety matters, which fall within the Resident Engagement Strategy.
- Moving-in survey: we invite all who arrive in September and January to complete a quick and focused survey to tell us how you found your moving-in experience at Queen Mary.
- Leavers' survey: just like the moving-in survey, we invite all residents leaving us in June or September to provide feedback on living in Queen Mary Halls and how they have found it, including free text space for your thoughts.
- Residential Life: You can always speak with any of our Residential Life Officers or your Residential Assistants to let them know what you think about the event you're attending. We also invite those who have attended to give us their thoughts through a formal survey after most events.
- Residential Welfare: All residents who have gone through the Residences Disciplinary Procedure are invited to provide feedback following their meeting with the Residential Welfare team. It's important to note that to ensure confidentiality, we do not invite those accessing support meetings to provide feedback.
What do you do with our feedback?
All the feedback we receive is analysed and discussed by the Residential Services team; it informs decisions on services provided to those living in halls.
Full details of the results of the Moving-in and Leavers' surveys are shared with a University committee called the 'Residential Strategy Group', which includes representatives from the Queen Mary Students' Union.
Where funding is available or a change in service delivery is suggested, we always look to implement that for the next intake of residents, or more immediately if it is something that affects those living in halls already or could improve their experience. We will also try and explain when something may not be possible - this could be due to legislation, for safety, or where the cost might outweigh the impact for residents.
What if it's not feedback but I need to speak to someone?
You can contact Residences Reception 24/7 if you're living in one of our Queen Mary halls and if you live at Aspire Point, Blithehale Court of Sherren House the Reception team within your building. The Residential Welfare team provides support and guidance to residents living in halls and Queen Mary also offers 24/7 support to all of its students if they need to speak to someone about something else.