Mould and How To Prevent It

Posted 2 days ago

If we may be so bold to educate against mould

What is mould?

Mould is a microscopic fungus that grows from damp areas.

How do I recognise it?

Mould is typically black, white or green complimented with a musty perfume. If you see any suspicious patches on your walls or ceilings, taker closer look to see if mould is growing in your room.

Why does it happen?

Generally speaking, more moisture within a room leads to higher levels of condensation, and more water droplets means damper walls. The perfect invitation for mould.

How do I avoid it?

By practising good preventative measures!

·        Ensure that each room has good ventilation. Open the window every day to allow moisture to escape.

·        Use laundry room facilities to dry clothes rather than drying in your room.

·        Switch on the extractor fan whilst cooking.

·        Keep the temperature in your bedroom warm during winter time.

These are all useful preventative measures, however mould may just visit anyway. If this is the case, do not attempt to clean it yourself.

Contact Residences Reception located at France House, Mile End campus. Our staff will escort the mould off of your premises.