Westfield Way Building Work

Posted 3 weeks ago

For the new School of Business and Management

What's happening?

Building work continues at Mile End, and residents, staff and visitors will have seen work progressing on the new School of Business and Management.

What's happening?

The site is now transitioning from groundworks, into the build phase of the project, this involves a change of contractor and more visibility of the building structure appearing within the site.

When do works happen?

Works on the site take place between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, and from 8am to 1pm on Saturday. if you are a resident in halls and have a concern, please contact Residences Reception, visitors or staff members should contact the Capital Projects Office. Note that sensors monitor noise and dust on the site to levels specified by the planning authority for the project.

How do I know where to go?

Below is a map showing the pedestrian access route via the ArtsOne Passageway and the routes beyond this, past Joseph Priestley, to access The Curve and halls of residence. Most of the area around Westfield Way and ArtsOne is part of the construction site with no access for pedestrians to aside from the routes marked below.

Where can I find out more about this project?

You can learn more about the new School of Business and Management and how it will look in the video below.

Virtual Tour of the new School of Business and Management at Queen Mary

What should I do if I have a query or concern?

If you are a resident in halls please contact Residences Reception, which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are a non-resident or staff member, please contact the Capital Projects team using projects-office@qmul.ac.uk.