Our Queen Mary Security Service

Posted 2 years ago

QM Security is a diverse team located across all 3 campuses

They are responsible for you and your safety whilst you are a student at Queen Mary to make your time here the best it can be!

The Security Service's main duty is to protect you and your property and to create a welcoming and safe environment for all students. They also...

  • Are trained in First Aid
  • Offer out of hours support to students
  • Work 365 days a year
  • Cover a 24/7 shift pattern

The Security team wants to work with students to create a partnership based on trust and support. 

You may be thinking, how can you play your part, check out some of the best ways you can help in this partnership with the Security Service...

  • Always have your student ID on you to show it upon request
    (This indicates to the Security Officers you are not a potential 'stranger danger')
  • Challenge, if you feel comfortable to, any unknown persons who may be tailgating behind you at the main door
  • Report to Security Control Room anything suspicious
    (you should have the Security Control Room number, relevant to your campus, saved in your phone)

Wasting the Security teams' time by becoming awkward and difficult about showing your student ID card on request is precious time they could be patrolling, checking CCTV or making crime prevention checks for your safety.

Our Security team are all members of the local community, mothers, fathers, grandparents and deserve the respect and cooperation that they give you, just remember we are all in the same team and working for the same goal!

Make sure you have the security number for your campus in your phone book, you will be able to find their contact details here.

a group of people standing on a sidewalk